Frequently Asked Questions


What paints do you use?

I use Vallejo brand paints.

How do you paint the masks?

With brushes. In all seriousness though, the general process is just using a spray primer so the paint sticks on, with other details freehanded with brushes. I have tutorials on how I do specific things here though.

What are the shipping costs?

Shipping within the US is $3, international shipping is dependent on country.

Can you paint this piece?

I can paint most LEGO pieces, but there are a few exceptions. Anything that's too rubbery (like Inika heads) and anything with large flaps/spikes/bits that jut out (such as the Kualsi) will chip fairly easily, so I do not paint them. 3D printed masks are paint safe for any strong plastic though, regardless of shape! You can always feel free to ask about any specific mask as well.

How durable are the masks?

With the exception of a few of the pastel colors, the masks can withstand general handling. Don't go throwing them into your parts bins though. Conversions can be a bit more delicate as well, depending on the job there’s sometimes very little material to actually attach to!

Where do you get your masks?

I get the bulk of my masks through Bricklink, but some of them I pick up at yard sales and at Brickfair.

What if I have a question that isn't answered here?

Send me an e-mail at, I'm always happy to answer any other questions you might have!